Sunday 20 May 2007

Death is the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all.

Within the space of 9 days, 3 people I knew personally have passed away.The last time I went to a funeral was nearly 10 years ago, when my grandfather passed on, the prospect of going to 3 in just over a week is heart wrenching. I was never a person to show people how I truly feel, and to sit in a public place and cry in front of other people is incredibly difficult for me.Two of the people I knew died at the age of 19, younger than me, and two of the nicest guys I've ever genuinely met, neither of them had a bad word to say about anyone and never did I hear a bad word against them, to say life is cruel is something of an understatement, both will be missed sorely, by their girlfriends, family and friends. Both died through no fault of their own, Kev from a car crash where another car collided with his, and Adam from cancer which he had been suffering with for a little while now, chemo didn’t work as we all had wished, but at least he doesn’t need to suffer anymore.

The third person who died was my auntie, she’s had cancer since around new years, her condition as gotten worse over the months, but within the last week it was an awfully steep hill downwards, I know it was her wish to die just over a month ago, and she had practically stopped eating by the time she got moved into the hospice a little over a week ago.
So within these 9 days all three have unforunatly died, God bless their souls.

The sad part is, that only after someone dies, it really makes you appreciate everything you have, friends, family, life. Everything is taken for granted, when it shouldn’t be, every breath is a miracle, something I now appreciate more. I can’t deal with petty arguments and enemies, it’s not worth my time anymore, I don’t know when I’ll die, all I know is it could happen at any time, so why bother holding grudges?

Bad luck is all it was, they didn’t bring it on themselves, they couldn’t have stopped it, but they were loved while they were here, and that is the most important thing.

"Our life is made by the death of others."
Leonardo da Vinci

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